Living by plants alone Ⓥ

Plant strong… strengthened by plants- don’t expect someone strengthened by plants to be doing it for you, if you refuse to try to be strengthened by plants. Do not act all hurt jealous and mad either, when you could have devoted those energies to be joinable as one also powered by plants. Don’t expect to be invited or welcomed,ContinueContinue reading “Living by plants alone Ⓥ”

Key to longevity is key to acceptance? TRY, TRY HARD

A major key to acceptance is to not give up TRYING.  I don’t mean ‘do not give up trying to be mean’, I mean ‘do not give up trying to be nice’, negotiate, do not give up wanting to be accepted for the right reasons, by the right people. So to say ‘do not giveContinueContinue reading “Key to longevity is key to acceptance? TRY, TRY HARD”


Do you listen to the thought ‘don’t read anything into it’…? and blindly trust? rather than pursuing a higher truth? It is probably a mistake to not read anything into it, because most things happen because of things you are not reading into it? Like ‘they’ are, so that you can be on the defensive?ContinueContinue reading “READ SOMETHING INTO IT WITH ‘TRUTH OR TRUST’”

Cancer causers (promoters) 😡

Cancer causers ruck up every rucking second. And probably proud of it. 😏 promoting negative behaviors as IF unbeknownst to? They do not have good timing or think that every second counts. (Much less every day) So no second counts with them as important memorable, or to be found in any good memory of theContinueContinue reading “Cancer causers (promoters) 😡”

Stress as Assault

Identify issues they want to do for you (as if they are the only one doing( pursuing) it, you are famous or can afford it- like they are paparazzi or they are owed balance) ads? – Dr warnings? – clean house for you – Work on your car house or yard – Skin care chemicalsContinueContinue reading “Stress as Assault”