Key to longevity is key to acceptance? TRY, TRY HARD

A major key to acceptance is to not give up TRYING.  I don’t mean ‘do not give up trying to be mean’, I mean ‘do not give up trying to be nice’, negotiate, do not give up wanting to be accepted for the right reasons, by the right people. So to say ‘do not giveContinueContinue reading “Key to longevity is key to acceptance? TRY, TRY HARD”


Do you listen to the thought ‘don’t read anything into it’…? and blindly trust? rather than pursuing a higher truth? It is probably a mistake to not read anything into it, because most things happen because of things you are not reading into it? Like ‘they’ are, so that you can be on the defensive?ContinueContinue reading “READ SOMETHING INTO IT WITH ‘TRUTH OR TRUST’”

Why I deal with only the elite, and will not do massage or yoga in an informal, non-spa atmosphere:

Because of people with the ‘Craig’s list killer’ mentality, the ‘Craig’s list killers’… If you profile them.. (which you have to do testing trustworthiness). They have an attitude, when leave out, like ‘negativity with intent to kill’, (road rage). They do not respect people who care about others, who do yoga, massage, use plant basedContinueContinue reading “Why I deal with only the elite, and will not do massage or yoga in an informal, non-spa atmosphere:”

Smiles :D:)😆;)☺😛😎

Are smiles fake? Smiles are contagious. Did I make you smile? Smiles give you frown lines. Give me a reason to smile, then it is worth it. Do they smile or tell you smile, while they take your money, your job, your hard work, your health, your time (and have bad timing)? Only if theyContinueContinue reading “Smiles :D:)😆;)☺😛😎”